“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Roar Race at Monkwood

On Thursday 13th February, to celebrate the launch of Rotherham Children’s Capital of Culture 2025, we welcomed Firma Kodde Productions all the way from the Netherlands, who hosted their famous ‘Roar Race’ at Monkwood. During the day, the playground was transformed into a race track, ready for the children to engage in activities with the […]

Local Miner Visit in Y6

This week, Y6 had a visit from Mr Hughes, who used to work as a local Miner. The children asked him some excellent questions, in order to find out what it was like to work in a mine, and how the miners’ strike impacted the local area.  Amazing work, well done Y6! #WeListenToOthers

Australian Art in Y2

Yesterday, Y2 had a fantastic morning, bringing Australia to life through art! Parents and carers even joined them for a creative session, filled with wonderful activities including, making clay pots, and decorating rocks with beautiful aboriginal patterns. Thank you to everyone who was able to make the session, and got stuck into the crafting fun!  #WeAreAlwaysLearning

Sharing Books in FS1

On Friday 7th February, FS1 absolutely loved taking part in Friday Library, where the children sit and share books with their friends, then take these books home to enjoy with their families. They have even started to spot letters in the print.  Well done, you’re all absolute superstars! #WeAreAlwaysLearning

Y6 Safety Workshop

On Tuesday 4th February, Y6 took part in some workshops at the Rotherham AESSEAL New York Stadium. These included topics such as knife crime, protected characteristics, and online safety. The children were also lucky enough to meet Miller Bear during their visit. Well done Y6! #WeListenToOthers

Y6 Cranworth Trip!

On Friday, Y6 had a great morning at Cranworth! The children showed such bravery and resilience when tackling the climbing wall, and the way they encouraged and supported each other was a delight to see. They also worked together super well to complete the team games. They should all be extremely proud of themselves! #WeBelieveInOurselves

Y6 With Me in Mind Workshop

As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, Class 15 took part in a With Me in Mind workshop, and learnt lots of useful strategies for dealing with anxiety.  Fantastic work, well done Y6! #WeAreNiceToPeople

Exploring Emotions in Y3

As it’s Children’s Mental Health Week, Y3 have been discussing the film Inside Out, and how it explores different emotions as people change and grow older. The children had a go at drawing their own islands of personality, thinking about what is important to them, and what makes them who they are. Y3 now understand […]

Y2 Australian Animals with Pops Outdoor

Last week, Year 2 took a trip to Monkwood’s woodland area with Pops Outdoor Adventure, to create pictures of Australian animals. They did this by using natural materials and spray paint. Their creations look fantastic, well done everyone! #WeAreEquippedToLearn

FS1 Chinese New Year Celebrations

Last week, FS1 oved learning all about Chinese New Year, they even tasted some Chinese food, and joined in with a Chinese dragon dance. Everyone had such a fantastic time. Well done FS1! #WeAreAlwaysLearning

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