“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Moon Phases in Y5!

In Science this week, Year 5 have been learning about the phases of the Moon. Using Oreo cookies, the children were able to identify and name the different phases of the Moon, while also having a yummy treat. Well done everyone!

Y6 Crucial Crew Visit!

Y6 had a great day out at the Lifewise Centre with Crucial Crew, they have learned some valuable life skills, such as how to protect themselves in different community scenarios. They asked and answered some great questions. Well done everyone! #WeListenToOthers

Macmillan Coffee Morning!

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported our Macmillan Coffee Morning. We managed to raise an amazing £221.65! It was lovely to see everyone having a chat and a coffee for a great cause. 😊

FS2 Study Who Lives in the Woods

This half term, the topic we are covering is ‘Who Lives in the Woods?’ FS2 have been taking part in many activities, and they have really enjoyed looking at the story of Peter Rabbit and Owl Babies. Well done everyone! #WeAreEquippedToLearn

Monkwood Student Represents Great Britain and Kazoku Martial Arts!

This Monkwood student is a medal winner and we are so proud!  She recently competed in the WMAC World Games in the Czech Republic, representing both Great Britain and Kazoku Martial Arts—a prestigious opportunity she earned earlier this year. She fought with determination and resilience, even against an older opponent twice her size, to secure a silver medal […]

Learning About WW2 Evacuation in Y6

In History, Class 15 have been learning about how children were evacuated from cities during World War Two. They even had a debate about whether the evacuation was a good thing, and everyone was very respectful. Well done Y6! #WeTakePrideInOurWork 

FS1 Autumn Walk!

In FS1, we have been on an Autumn walk in our beautiful woodland area. We found some colourful, crispy leaves, and we talked about the colours that we found and sorted them. We even spotted a gorgeous little furry squirrel on our journey.  Well done everyone! #WeAreEquippedToLearn

Y6 Geography!

Last week in Geography, Class 15 were learning all about the different time zones in the world. Everyone worked super hard and should be very proud of themselves.  Well done Y6! #WeWorkHard

Lunar Eclipse in Y5 Science!

Last week in Science, the children were learning about the different types of lunar eclipses. They were able to identify the name and type of a lunar eclipse, and describe what it looked like and what causes that particular type of eclipse. Amazing work, well done Y5! #WeWorkHard

Y5 Art!

In Art this week, the children have continued learning about the Nigerian artist, Chief Jimoh Buraimoh. He is known for his abstract images of people, using a series of shapes and patterns to represent facial features. The children studied more examples of his work and were able to select some of the shapes and colours […]

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