“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


to Year 2

Miss Poppy Metcalfe

Miss Metcalfe

Mrs Adele Ellis

Mrs Ellis

Class 6

Meet your teachers

miss metcalfe

Hi, I am Miss Metcalfe and I have been a teacher at Monkwood for 5 years. I am extremely excited to be your teacher this year and I can’t wait to spend Year 2 with you.

Outside of school, some things I enjoy doing are spending time with my friends and family, watching football and having day trips out! I like to read lots of books. I know we’ll have a lovely time reading stories together. My favourite subject to teach is Art!

Meet your teaching assistant

mrs Luty

Hi everyone, I am Mrs Luty; I will be your teaching assistant in September. I have worked at Monkwood for 14 years. I have 4 grown up chidlren, 7 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. My daughter and grandaughter work at Monkwood & 3 of my grandchildren attend. 

I have a dog called Marley and a parrot called Rosoe. I can’t wait for September to be part of your class. I know we will have loads of fun and we will be the best class.

Mrs Yvonne Luty

Class 7

Meet your teachers

Mrs ellis

Hi, I am Mrs Ellis and I love working in Year 2. I love music and you may have seen me playing the piano in assembly or singing with the choir. I am an animal lover and I will always be telling you about my pets. I have 2 dogs, 3 cats,1 rabbit and hundreds of stick insects! You will meet these stick insects when you come to Class 7 and will be able to help me to look after them.

Meet your teaching assistant

mrs carpenter

Hello, I am Miss Carpenter and I am looking forward to meeting you in class 7. You may already know me and may have met me at lunchtimes when I help you with your school dinners. I love animals too and I have a lively dog that likes to go for walks in the woods and hide down rabbit holes. I also love watching Disney films and baking at home with my daughter.
Miss Debbie Carpenter

Class Information

The school day starts at 8.45am and ends at 3.15pm. We read every week and practise spellings so please make sure that your child has their reading book in school every day. We give out a homework folder on a Friday so that you have the weekend to complete it and it does not need to be handed in until the following Friday.

We introduce TTRockstars in the Autumn term and this will be your maths homework to complete online every week.Your children will need a water bottle in class every day, whatever the weather. 

We will communicate with you through Class Dojo and let you know PE days at a later date.

Areas of Learning

In Year 2 we do lots of exciting and fun learning! In History we will be learning about castles, toys and the Great Fire of London. In Geography, we will be learning about farms, Australia and London.

Class News

Y2 Keith Haring Art!

Year 2 have worked so hard on their art skills this half term! They have created some amazing final masterpieces, inspired by the artist Keith

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Y2 Sound Walk

Last week, Y2 went on a sound walk in Science. This involved a walk around the school grounds to see what sounds they could hear.

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