Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club operates under the umbrella of Monkwood Primary School and Wickersley Partnership Trust and fully adopts all policies and procedures currently in place at the school.
Breakfast Club Organisation
Breakfast Club is open at 7:30am and is located in the school dining room. Pupils attending breakfast club must arrive on time. The doors will be closed at 8.00 and pupils arriving after this time will not be able to attend.
Breakfast Club staff supervise the children until 8:35am when they are escorted to their classroom and given into the care of teaching staff.
The club is available for pupils from F2 to Year 6 only. Where pupils have not attended F1 in school, the school will make the decision as to whether the F2 pupil needs to attend school sessions in the first instance to build relationships with staff and an understanding of school systems and procedures. If this is the case, the F2 pupil will not be able to join breakfast club until after the first half term and a transition plan for this will be put into place.
The school operates a 1:15 staffing ratio for pupils in Year 4 to Y6 and a 1:8 ratio for pupils in F2 to Y3.
Breakfast club resources are kept in the cupboards/stores in KS2. All electrical equipment must be PAT tested before use, unless new and under 12 months of age.
All staff hold fully updated DBS and safeguarding checks. All Breakfast Club staff have completed the Emergency First Aid training. At least one Breakfast Club staff member will have Basic Food Hygiene Certification.
Bookings are made and paid for in advance on a half-termly basis and sessions cost £3.00 per child for Breakfast Club. Booking applications are completed on the google document available from the office. Applications are reviewed and places are allocated at this time. On being offered a place at the Breakfast Club, confirmation will be sent to the parent/carer in writing.
The school employs staff to run breakfast club provision and therefore pupil numbers must be consistent and planned for to ensure staffing is at an appropriate level for ratios of different age pupils and appropriate food amounts are purchased. This allows the school to keep costs very low.
Where possible, school will cater for all applications of breakfast club through the booking system however, in many cases the club is oversubscribed. For these reasons, thought is given to ensuring consistent breakfast club numbers and a rationale for place allocation when numbers are oversubscribed is in place.
Places will be allocated on the following basis:
Priority 1: Children wanting full-time places. This means every day, every week.
Priority 2: Children requiring part-time permanent sessions. This means the same days every week and is dependent on spaces available.
Priority 3: Children who already attend the club and require permanent extra sessions.
Priority 4: Siblings of children who already attend the club.
Priority 5: Children requiring irregular sessions.
At each stage of allocation pupils who meet the criteria are considered on a first come / first served basis before reviewing the next priority criteria.
Once ratios are reached the club is considered full and the process will cease. For instance, after priority criteria one is applied, the club may be full and pupils in other categories may not be allocated a place.
In addition to these priority criteria, the school may also choose to allocate places to specific families who meet the criteria of ‘exceptional circumstances’. These places may be allocated for a set or limited period of time. Under each priority criteria, the worker status of parents will be considered, in particular those parents working in health and social care, education, public safety and emergency services. This may impact on priority allocations.
In the case of over-subscription a waiting list will be held
Pupils for which the school receives Pupil Premium funding may be able to access Breakfast Club free of charge and this request should be discussed with the school office in the first instance.
Payments are to be made via your ParentPay account. Please note, sessions will not be confirmed without crediting your account at least a week in advance. If payment is not received, allocation will be ceased.
Due to the need to pay and book places in advance so that levels of staffing can be organised and food purchased, we will be unable to offer a refund if a child does not attend.
However, if school is closed or has to close early, Breakfast Club will not run. Refunds on these occasions will be given or payment may be carried forward to the next week.
Breakfast Club Registration
We ask that parents sign their children into the register as they arrive at Breakfast Club.
No children should arrive at Breakfast Club before 7:30am. Please note that we cannot accept responsibility for any child until they arrive at Breakfast Club.
Please be aware that parents will not be contacted if their child does not arrive at Breakfast Club as expected. Contact will only be made with parents of absent pupils after normal registration at the start of the school day.
Breakfast Club Menu
The Breakfast Club operates a healthy menu policy. Typical foods available during Breakfast Club include:
- Fruit Juice
- Semi-skimmed Milk
- Unsweetened Cereals
- Toast or Crumpets
Breakfast Club Activities and Resources
A varied range of activities can be enjoyed at Breakfast Club. These include organised games, board games, reading, Lego etc. Resources are stored safely and are subject to the school’s Health and Safety monitoring and PAT electrical testing.
The school accepts no liability for damage to clothing whilst in our care under any circumstances.
Breakfast club staff follow existing school policies and procedures for safeguarding and child protection. In addition, the school’s fire procedures are fully adopted by Breakfast Club.
Any information and details regarding your child will be treated as confidential. However, under our safeguarding policies, there may be times, for example in cases of child protection concerns, when details of your child may be passed on to other appropriate and authorised agencies. For example (but not limited to) Police, Social Services and Health Care Professionals.
Under the e-safety policy, your child will not be permitted to use his/her mobile phone during sessions and staff will safely deposit phones in a secure place returning them at the end of the session.
Breakfast club staff follow existing school policies and procedures for administering of medication.
Breakfast club adopts the policies of the school with regards to Behaviour and Exclusions. If it becomes necessary to exclude a child you will be liable to pay for the cost of the session.
Staff should be treated with proper respect and any behaviour deemed violent or abusive is unacceptable. In any such circumstance, the above Exclusion and Behaviour Policy will apply.
Communication with Parents
Staff will communicate verbally with parents/carers bringing children to Breakfast Club. Should Breakfast Club staff need to communicate with parents following a breakfast club session, this will be done by liaising with the child’s class teacher.
Each child’s details, medical conditions, parent contact details and additional emergency contact information are kept on the school system which is accessible to breakfast club staff.

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