Last term in Science, the children were learning about reversible and irreversible changes. The children used a range of scientific skills to record their findings
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Last term in Science, the children were learning about reversible and irreversible changes. The children used a range of scientific skills to record their findings
In RE and Ethics, the children have been increasing their knowledge and understanding of how Christmas is celebrated in different parts of the world. They
Class 13 have been learning about Nigerian artist, Chief Jimoh Buraimoh. He is known for his abstract images of people using series of shapes and
In Science, Year 5 have been learning about how to separate mixtures. The children were fantastic Scientists, as they carefully investigated how to separate mixtures
To celebrate TTRockstars Day, Mrs Davison set the whole school a challenge to create a multiplication and division themed board game. The children certainly rose
In Science, the children have been investigating dissolving. They worked scientifically to predict, observe, and record which solids dissolve in water to create a solution.
POP’s Outdoor Adventure in Y5!
Just before half term, we worked alongside POP’s Outdoor Adventure in our woodland area to create these fantastic pieces of artwork. We collected natural materials
During Science last week, the children were investigating gravity. They further developed their knowledge and understanding of gravity by identifying the difference between mass and
In Science this week, Year 5 have been learning about the phases of the Moon. Using Oreo cookies, the children were able to identify and
Last week in Science, the children were learning about the different types of lunar eclipses. They were able to identify the name and type of
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On Friday 7th February, FS1 absolutely loved taking part in Friday Library, where the children sit and share books with their friends, then take these
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