“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


to Year 1

F Parkin

Miss Parkin

Mrs Croft

class 4

Meet your teachers

Miss Parkin

Hello, my name is Miss Parkin and I am so excited to be joining Monkwood
Primary School in September! 

I have two gorgeous children who are called Marley (3 years old) and Layla (2 years old). Together, we love singing and dancing to music! We also love reading stories and playing board games. I love being creative, so we are often doing exciting (and messy) things at home like baking and painting. We also enjoy visiting lots of places and going to the cinema. 

I have heard lots of wonderful things about you all and can’t wait to meet you soon! I’m excited to share my favourite stories with you and I know we will have so much fun together next year!

Meet your teaching Assistants

Mrs Driver

Hi boys and girls I am Mrs Driver and I cannot wait to be part of your learning journey in Year 1!

We are going to have so much fun!

My favourite things to do are spending time with my three children, taking them on lots of fun adventures and making amazing memories.


Miss Turner

My name is Miss Turner and I can’t wait to join Class 4! I love singing, dancing and acting and being outdoors in my spare time.

You will see me helping out around the classroom and listening to you read. I can’t wait to help you learn and succeed throughout year 1. 

Miss Turner (Small)

Class Information

In Class 4. Mrs Parkin is your class teacher and Mrs Driver is your teaching assistant.

*PE will be on a Wednesday during the Summer Term

*Children need to bring a water bottle with their name on to school every day.

*Children will need a book bag which they can keep their reading book, any letters and homework in.

*Children need to bring their reading book and book bag to school every day.

*Children need to bring a water bottle with their name on to school every day.

*Please can all jumpers, cardigans and coats have your child’s name in.

*Our class Dojo account will be updated regularly with messages, Dojo points and picture updates so you can share in our learning journey.

Reading and Homework in Year 1

Regular reading at home is really important and will help your child become a confident and fluent reader. Children need to read home at least three times a week, but every day is better! Please write down in their reading diary when they have read so we can award dojos for each time they have read at home.

Alongside reading, homework is sent home each Friday and can be returned to school once it has been completed. In each class we have a homework box where completed homework can be put. Children who return their homework are awarded with dojos.

Areas of Learning

Summer Term Areas of Learning


In History this term we will be exploring what holidays were like in the Victorian Era. How holidays have changed since the Victorian Era and how the changes in transportation were a driving force in these changes.


In Geography we will be finding out about the features of the seaside town of Scarborough and comparing it to Rawmarsh.


This term in Science we will be finding out about the different animal classification groups. Our Year 1 trip to The Tropical butterfly House will help support our learning and understanding of the different types of animals. We will find out about what plants need to grow and what the different parts of a plant are called.


Our maths topics will include exploring and developing our knowledge and understanding of addition and subtraction within 20; comparing and measuring lengths and heights using objects and centimetres; estimating positions on number lines and finding one more and one less within 100. We will begin exploring simple division and multiplication.

This term in PE we will be exploring cheerleading and learning different cheerleading actions and moves to create a dance routine.


In Art we will be finding out about the artist Romero Britto and learning to draw in the Pop Art style.


We will continue to develop our phonics knowledge and skills using the Read Write Inc. scheme to help us become secure and confident readers.

We will continue to develop our writing skills working on forming letters correctly and using capital letters, full stops and clear fingers when we write. We will be working on spelling the Year 1 common exception words and using these in our writing.

The texts we will be using to support and inspire our writing journey this term include; The Tiger Who came to Tea; Tiddler and The Singing Mermaid.


This term in PSHE we will explore the topics of ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changing Me’ using the Jigsaw scheme.

This term the Year 1 children will complete the Statutory Phonics Screening Check.

class 5

Meet your teachers

Mrs Croft

Hello, my name is Mrs Croft and I am really excited to be your teacher next year. I have been teaching for 23 years and I have taught in all ages from Nursery to Year 2. I started at Monkwood Primary School in February this year and I love it! 

I have two children who keep me very busy. I love spending time with my family and friends. We like going camping, walking and visiting lots of different places. I love reading and I am really excited about sharing my favourite stories with you. I cannot wait to watch you grow and learn next year, I know we are going to have so much fun in  our Class 5 family.

Meet your teaching Assistant

Mrs Smith

Hello boys and girls I am Mrs Smith the teaching assistant in the Class 6 family. I love music and making people giggle with my crazy dancing. Art is my favourite subject and I cannot wait to see all your masterpieces!

I hope you enjoy baking because I love making yummy buns with all the children.

Mrs Claire Smith

Class Information

In Class 5, Mrs Croft is your class teacher and Mrs Smith is your teaching assistant.

*PE will be in on a Wednesday during the Summer Term

*Children need to bring a water bottle with their name on to school every day.

*Children will need a book bag which they can keep their reading book, any letters and homework in.

*Children need to bring their reading book and book bag to school every day.

*Children need to bring a water bottle with their name on to school every day.

*Please can all jumpers, cardigans and coats have your child’s name in.

*Our class Dojo account will be updated regularly with messages, Dojo points and picture updates so you can share in our learning journey.

Reading and Homework in Year 1

Regular reading at home is really important and will help your child become a confident and fluent reader. Children need to read home at least three times a week, but every day is better! Please write down in their reading diary when they have read so we can award dojos for each time they have read at home.

Alongside reading, homework is sent home each Friday and can be returned to school once it has been completed. In each class we have a homework box where completed homework can be put. Children who return their homework are awarded with dojos.

Areas of Learning

Summer Term Areas of Learning


In History this term we will be exploring what holidays were like in the Victorian Era. How holidays have changed since the Victorian Era and how the changes in transportation were a driving force in these changes.


In Geography we will be finding out about the features of the seaside town of Scarborough and comparing it to Rawmarsh.


This term in Science we will be finding out about the different animal classification groups. Our Year 1 trip to The Tropical butterfly House will help support our learning and understanding of the different types of animals. We will find out about what plants need to grow and what the different parts of a plant are called.


Our maths topics will include exploring and developing our knowledge and understanding of addition and subtraction within 20; comparing and measuring lengths and heights using objects and centimetres; estimating positions on number lines and finding one more and one less within 100. We will begin exploring simple division and multiplication.

This term in PE we will be exploring cheerleading and learning different cheerleading actions and moves to create a dance routine.


In Art we will be finding out about the artist Romero Britto and learning to draw in the Pop Art style.


We will continue to develop our phonics knowledge and skills using the Read Write Inc. scheme to help us become secure and confident readers.

We will continue to develop our writing skills working on forming letters correctly and using capital letters, full stops and clear fingers when we write. We will be working on spelling the Year 1 common exception words and using these in our writing.

The texts we will be using to support and inspire our writing journey this term include; The Tiger Who came to Tea; Tiddler and The Singing Mermaid.


This term in PSHE we will explore the topics of ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changing Me’ using the Jigsaw scheme.

This term the Year 1 children will complete the Statutory Phonics Screening Check.

Class News

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