The Monkwood Pledges are at the very heart of empowering students to be confident, well-rounded, enthusiastic, caring, happy, can-do people, ready for the wider world. The Pledges, coupled with the Monkwood Way, develop personal skills and attributes and broaden the horizons of our students.
At Monkwood Primary, we aim to send all young people into an ever changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it. The qualified aspect of this speaks for itself; we aim for our students to achieve strong qualifications that support them in their next steps of education, training or employment.
Furthermore, a student who makes that commitment to the Monkwood Pledges will develop independence and self-discipline by augmenting their participation, performance, communication, creativity and cultural capital.
Pledge Categories
Active Citizenship
Preparing you for life in modern society
- Volunteering
- Charity
- Appreciating diversity
- Democracy
Life Skills
Equipping you to deal with a range of life experiences
- Careers and aspirations
- Communication
- Wellbeing
- Independence
Cultural Experiences
Enabling you to learn about your local community and support diversity
- Extracurricular
- Reading
- Out of School
- Understanding your roots
About the Pledges
Over each key stage, students will be expected to complete all Bronze Pledges. Bronze Pledges are a curriculum entitlement. Silver and Gold are optional but strongly encouraged.
Why are we encouraging students to achieve pledges?
- Pledges encourage students to get involved in a wide range of different activities in school and outside school.
- Students will gain a wide variety of new and exciting experiences which will increase self-esteem, raise confidence, make them feel ‘good’ about themselves
- They inspire students to have drive and tenacity, to stick at a task, to understand how to set, work towards and achieve long term goals.
- Students will gain valuable life experiences and skills to help them progress to further study and an exciting career, putting them on a path to success.
- They help shape students to become more prosperous, well-rounded young adults.
- Above all, pledges help students to have a more valuable and enjoyable experience at school.
- Themed Based Enrichment Girds are sent out half-termly. These give students the opportunities to complete tasks linked to Pledges.
Why are Pledges important?
- The Monkwood Pledge sets high expectations for our students and demands personal accountability
- Students will be provided with new experiences, learn new skills, develop existing knowledge, gain in confidence and grow as an individual and as a ‘team player.’
- Together, the attributes and skills developed throughout the Monkwood Pledge aim to develop students' aspirations about their future, their abilities and drive them on to great things.
- The Monkwood Pledge embodies the Monkwood Way and this is an expectation of our entire school community.
Primary School Pledges
providing evidence
What Evidence could you provide?
Ticket Stubs
rewards & recognition
Pledges in the News
Summer Term 2 Enrichment Grid
As part of us learning about different careers, we have put together some things you could do at home. Going