“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Home Learning

Message about homework

At Monkwood Primary School, we view homework as being a supported or independent task undertaken outside of curriculum time which reinforces, extends or enriches current learning.



The purpose of homework is to provide opportunities for parents to be involved in their child’s learning. It enables children to increase competencies in core skills and practise and consolidate these skills. It enables children to improve reading and comprehension skills and promotes maths as an enjoyable activity through games and give it equal status with literacy. It aims to broaden the context of learning and provide enrichment, practise and extension and develop positive attitudes to learning beyond the classroom. Finally, it aims to enable children to take responsibility for their own learning, to become independent learners and to develop perseverance.

Each child is provided with a homework book in which they will complete tasks set. Each half term the homework will be sent out for the half term in advance.

There may be occasions when some tasks are more challenging or difficult than usual as homework plays a positive role in raising a child’s level of attainment. We also acknowledge the important role of play and free time in a child’s growth and development.

We see homework as encompassing a wide range of possibilities. The following list gives just a few examples:


Range of Activities

  • Speaking and listening activities
  • Reading with a parent
  • Finishing off work from the class
  • Undertaking individual research for a project at the local library
  • Learning number facts ( tables )
  • Literacy activities both written and verbal
  • Spelling and word investigations
  • Book reviews
  • Reading comprehension
  • Independent research
  • Practical maths investigations
  • Collecting items linked to a theme
  • Skills practise across a range of areas
  • Data collection
  • Educational games
  • A family visit to a local museum
  • Being an active member of a sports club or youth organisation
  • Going swimming
  • Playing board games

It can be seen from this list that homework can be a two way process. Teachers may ask for tasks to be done at home, but are delighted to learn about children’s success in other aspects of their lives and will seek to recognise this in school.


Learning Message for Children

Very important messages for children:

  1. Tell an adult that you are working on the internet
  2. Don’t tell people your name or address over the internet
  3. Do not allow people to bully you
  4. Tell an adult if someone upsets you when you are online
  5. Only use websites that an adult has said are safe to use
  6. Show respect to others at all times
  7. Remember that anything you write or say will stay online and will be shown to adults if it upsets someone else

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