“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Congratulations to the WPT Easter Competition 2023 Winners!

Over the Easter holidays, we held an Easter competition, which was open to all students across our primary and secondary schools. The challenge was to take an Easter themed selfie/photo or create a design. We had lots of fantastic entries and we can now reveal our five winners, who have all received their chocolate-y prize […]

Monkwood’s Super Scientists

During British Science Week this month, each class carried out learning linked with this year’s theme ‘Connections.’ These children stood out to their teachers for being Super Scientists during the week and won a prize and certificate.

Grown-Ups Easter Craft Session

We have had so much fun in class 1 this week preparing for Easter. 🐣 In our creative area we have been practicing our scissor skills also we have decorated our Easter baskets during our stay and play session with our grown-ups! We hope you all enjoyed it. 🐇 We are so excited for the […]

Class 2 Watch a Reading of The Drama Llama

The children in class 2 really enjoyed watching a reading of The Drama Llama by Rachel Morrisroe. She is an original new voice in the world of rhyming picture books and it was lovely watching her read her story aloud to our beautiful children.

Monkwood Recommends

This week, Miss Hayes recommends ‘The Memory Tree’ by Britta Teckentrup. A beautiful and heartfelt picture book to help children celebrate the memories left behind when a loved one dies. ❤This book has helped me so much on a personal note over this past week, if you are ever looking for a book to help a […]

School Health Awareness – Type 1 Diabetes

DiABETES UK are raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes in children and adults, and the importance of spotting symptoms early to prevent diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) which can be life threatening. Their aim is to to reduce this risk as much as possible, by making both children and adults aware of […]

A Busy Half Term with Class 13

Class 13 have had a busy half term learning lots of new topics and skills in the classroom!  We have been learning about the human body and were lucky to have some Medical students from Sheffield University visit our school recently who gave a workshop about the human body. The trainee doctors were very impressed […]

Class 15 visit Kelham Island Museum

In History, the children have been learning about The Industrial Revolution. Y5 visited Kelham Island Industrial Museum to learn more about the changes and developments that happened during this period of history. We learned lots about how Sheffield and Rotherham changed and grew as a result of industrial development.

WPT Easter Competition 2023

We’re inviting all students from across all of Wickersley Partnership Trust’s primary and secondary schools to participate in an ‘eggciting’ Easter competition!   Here are the steps on how to enter: Take an Easter themed photo, selfie or design (we’re looking for everything, from photos of your painted Easter eggs to selfies in Easter bunny […]

TEKK Challenge Update

During the next sessions of our TEKK challenge, the children began to construct their models using their plans and the range of construction techniques they had learned. They continued to construct their model ready for the final judging to choose a winner.

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