Pops Outdoor Adventure in FS1!

Wow, what a great afternoon! Class 1 had the best time with Pops Outdoor Adventure having hot chocolates and chocolate biscuits. They also sang Christmas songs around the campfire, followed by a scavenger hunt. They had such a brilliant time! #WeListenToOthers
Y5 Science!

In Science, Year 5 have been learning about how to separate mixtures. The children were fantastic Scientists, as they carefully investigated how to separate mixtures using sieving, magnets, and filtering. Well done everyone! #WeWorkHard
2D Shapes in FS1

This week in Mathematics, FS1 have been talking about four of the basic 2D shapes. They have been feeling the shapes, and describing how many sides they have, and one of their tasks was to match 2D shapes. Amazing work, well done everyone! #WeAreAlwaysLearning
Y2 TTRockstars!

Last week, Y2 had so much fun dressing up as rockstars, for TTRockstars Day! They also made their own boardgame along with the rest of the school, to test their times tables knowledge. Great work, well done Year 2! #WeWorkHard
Making Diwali Pots in Y6

Class 15 have been making Diwali pots out of clay. Once they have painted them, they are hoping to use the pots to hold tealights for the upcoming Monkwood Carol Concert! Great work, well done Class 15! 😊 #WeAreEquippedToLearn
Stick Man in FS1

This week in FS1, we read the story of the Stick Man. On Monday morning, we couldn’t believe it when we found a letter in our classroom, telling us to go into the woods to search for our special visitor. Guess who it was? Yes, it was Stick Man! We have loved our story this […]
Y2 Geography

In Geography, Year 2 are currently learning about the different types of farming. This week, they even created their own maps of Nether Haugh Farm, and did such a fantastic job! Well done everyone. 😊 #WeAreAlwaysLearning
Watercolour Artwork in Y6!

This week, Class 16 have been using watercolour pencils to try out different techniques in preparation for their Caroline Appleyard artwork. Watch this space for the finished products! #WeAreEquippedToLearn
TTRockstars Day!

To celebrate TTRockstars Day, Mrs Davison set the whole school a challenge to create a multiplication and division themed board game. The children certainly rose to the challenge, as they worked collaboratively to create a range of wonderful, and educational games for all ages to enjoy. The best part was being able to test them […]
FS1 Autumn Trees!

This week, the story FS1 have been working on is called Tree. They have been talking about the four different seasons, and the changes that can be seen. The children have been drawing beautiful Autumn trees from the amazing, colourful artwork in the story. Well done Class 1, your art work is absolutely beautiful, and […]