“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Y6 National Holocaust Museum Talk

Yesterday, Y6 were joined by Zoe from The National Holocaust Museum. The children followed the journey of Leo, a boy who lived in Germany during the rule of Hitler. Leo was a 10 year old boy, who was a Jew, living with his parents and 2 year old sister, Hannah. He was evacuated using the […]

Y5 Science Fun!

In Science, the children have been investigating dissolving. They worked scientifically to predict, observe, and record which solids dissolve in water to create a solution. Well done Y5! #WeAreEquippedToLearn

WPT is 10 Showcase!

Last week, some of our incredibly talented students took part in the WPT is 10 Showcase at Magna Science Adventure Centre – an event to commemorate the 10th anniversary since Wickersley Partnership Trust (WPT) was established.  The Showcase was WPT’s biggest collaborative event to date, with over 300 students from across the Trust coming together […]

Children in Need Raffle Winners!

Yesterday, the winners of our Children in Need raffle were announced, and these two superstars won! They were so happy, and got to go home with a bundle of delicious treats.  Well done! #WeAreNiceToPeople

Working Hard in Class 15!

Last week, Class 15 did such a brilliant job in History and Geography! In History, everyone has been learning about the life of Anne Frank. On a timeline showing what was happening in Nazi Germany, they added the main events of Anne’s life. They should be very proud of their work. In Geography, they have […]

FS1 Children in Need Activities

Last Friday in FS1, we are supporting Children in Need. Everyone took part in lots of fun activities, such as, making bear jam sandwiches, pudsey bear colouring, pudsey bear hats, and yummy spotty buns.  Well done Class 1! #WeAreEquippedToLearn

Author Visit from Jacqueline Wilson

Last week, we had the privilege of joining a virtual author visit by the wonderful Jacqueline Wilson, the author of many children’s books, including Tracy Beaker, which has also been adapted into a popular TV programme. We listened to her talk about getting into writing at a young age, and being supported by her teachers. […]

House of Commons and House of Lords Virtual Tour!

As part of Parliament Week, we used a virtual tour of the House of Commons and House of Lords, to explore what they are used for and see what they look like. We noticed straight away that the house seats were different colours and that the House of Lords looked much more grand.  Well done […]

Odd Socks for Anti-Bullying Week

On Wednesday 13th November, Class 16 took part in Odd Socks Day, and came into school wearing their most fun and creative odd socks, this was in order to promote Anti-Bullying Week. Well done everyone! #WeAreAboutEachOther

Y2 Pool Player Success!

Y2 student, Ronnie, started playing pool for South Yorkshire under 18s one year ago. Ronnie has played in many tournaments and his game is getting better each week! This weekend, Ronnie attended the national finals in a three day event, and England scouts attended, seeking out future talent.  You have made your school extremely proud, well […]

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