“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Class 16 Alcohol and Drugs Services Sessions

Last week, Class 16 took part in their first couple of sessions with the Rotherham Alcohol and Drugs Services, they learnt that medicines are drugs, and why it is important that they are used safely as well as the impact of alcohol on the body. Everyone showed great maturity, and asked some fantastic questions. Keep […]

Y6 Valerie Ganz Art

This half term, Class 16 have been working really hard on their Valerie Ganz artwork, they studied the artist then got to work on their own masterpieces. They have created some excellent work, and should be extremely proud of themselves. Well done everyone! #WeWorkHard

Y6 Reading Celebrations

Last week, Y6 had a wonderful few days taking part in activities to celebrate reading. On Thursday 6th March it was World Book Day, and the children came into school wearing some fantastic costumes, they also had a brilliant shared reading event with parents, as well as their drop and read sessions throughout the day. […]

Y6 Orienteering

Last week, Class 15 were visited by Pops Outdoor Adventure and enjoyed an orienteering session in the woods. The children worked in teams to follow a map using grid references. Everyone did such a fantastic job, and worked brilliantly together. Well done Y6! #WeWorkHard

Y2 Phonics and Reading

Last week, Y2 took part in a fantastic parent reading session, it was so lovely to see so many parents and grandparents attend! The children absolutely loved playing phonics games and reading with their grown ups.  Well done everyone! #WeWorkHard #WeListenToOthers

Handa’s Surprise in FS1

This week, Class 1 have been learning about the story Handa’s Surprise by Eileen Browne, and exploring the different animals featured in the book. They’ve also been working on designing and creating enclosures for these animals, thinking about what each animal needs in its habitat to feel comfortable and safe. It’s been a fun and […]

Animal Therapy at Woodland View

The children at Woodland View had a visit from the wonderful Animal Assisted Therapy rabbits last week. The children explored the sensory tray with the food, bedding, and objects rabbits need to live. They also had a go at petting the rabbits to see how they feel, watch how they move, and listen for the […]

Rotherham Alcohol and Drugs Services in Y6

This week, Class 15 have started a programme of sessions with Rotherham Alcohol and Drugs Services. In their first session, the children learnt that medicines are drugs, and they discussed why it is important that they are used safely. They all worked fantastically, and should be very proud of themselves. Well done Y6! #WeAreAlwaysLearning

Painting in FS1

This week, FS1 have had the best time painting rainbows, and mixing colours to paint their names. Painting is a super important activity for young children, as it helps to develop their fine motor skills, communication, and creativity. Amazing work, well done everyone! #WeAreAlwaysLearning

Traditional Tales in FS2

Last half term, FS2 were looking at the traditional tales; Little Red Riding Hood, The Elves and The Shoe Maker, Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel, and The Ugly Duckling. The children really enjoyed reading them and taking part in some fun, educational activities linked to the stories. Great work, well done everyone! #WeAreAlwaysLearning

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