“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Australia Day in Y2

On Monday 27th January, Year 2 took part in Australia Day. They completed lots of fun activities to celebrate, such as making fairy bread, and creating some Australian artwork. Fantastic work, well done Y2! #WeWorkHard

FS1 Stay and Play Session!

This week in FS1, the children had a fantastic Stay and Play session! They decorated gingerbread with their grown ups, made gingerbread people out of play dough, and then had the Gingerbread Man story shared with them and the class. Everyone had such an amazing time! #WeAreAlwaysLearning

Local History in Y6

This half term, Class 15 have started their local history unit on the 1984 miners’ strike. This week, the children have been creating timelines to show the main events of this topic. Great work, well done everyone! #WeWorkHard

Goldilocks and the Three Bears in FS1

This week, FS1 have been reading the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. They had so much fun taking part in a variety of activities. On Friday, the children found a basket outside the classroom door, and it was full of ingredients to make porridge, so everyone made it together, and then tasted it! […]

Rainbow Snow in FS1!

FS1 made the most of the snow this week! They really enjoyed exploring the ice, so we brought it inside and the children developed their artistic skills by experimenting with water colours, and creating new colours. They also learnt about ice and observed it melting from being warm in the classroom.  Everyone was very excited […]

Y5 Science!

Last term in Science, the children were learning about reversible and irreversible changes. The children used a range of scientific skills to record their findings and draw conclusions, to identify if they observed a reversible or irreversible change. Great work, well done Y5! #WeAreEquippedToLearn

Christmas Stay and Play at Woodland View!

This week at the Woodland View Centre, we held a Christmas Stay and Play session with parents. The children had a wonderful time icing biscuits, using dough cutters, exploring a range of winter textures, completing cut and stick Christmas trees, and sharing Christmas books. Everyone got into the festive spirit, and had so much fun! #WeNeverGiveLessThanOurBest 

Y5 Christmas Studies in RE

In RE and Ethics, the children have been increasing their knowledge and understanding of how Christmas is celebrated in different parts of the world. They researched different Christmas traditions and customs from around the world, to create these wonderful double page spreads. Here is just a small selection of the wonderful pieces of work the […]

Y5 Artist Study!

Class 13 have been learning about Nigerian artist, Chief Jimoh Buraimoh. He is known for his abstract images of people using series of shapes and patterns to represent facial features. The children created their own versions of his work using oil pastels, different shapes, and patterns. Here is just a small selection of the wonderful […]

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