“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Y6 Woodland Activities!

Last Friday, Class 16 had a great morning in the woods with Pops Outdoor Adventure. They took part in a hunt for tickets, to fill in German translations for English words from a passage. They then had to complete an anagram with the additional letters they found. They finished off their time with a game […]

POP’s Outdoor Adventure in Y5!

Just before half term, we worked alongside POP’s Outdoor Adventure in our woodland area to create these fantastic pieces of artwork. We collected natural materials and used spray paint to create an amazing picture of the moon. To achieve this, we used a range of techniques to create layering and depth to our pictures. Well […]

Remembrance Day at Monkwood

Last week in Class 1, the children learned all about Remembrance Day. They made special poppy biscuits, and were drawing poppy’s on our interactive white board! The biscuits were absolutely delicious.   Well done everyone! #WeAreAlwaysLearning

Y5 Science!

During Science last week, the children were investigating gravity. They further developed their knowledge and understanding of gravity by identifying the difference between mass and weight, and investigating how these are affected by gravity. Well done Class 13! #WeAreEquippedToLearn

Diwali in FS1!

Last week in FS1, we talked about Diwali. Diwali is the Hindu Festival of Lights, which takes place between October and November. It is a time for families to get together, give presents and decorate their houses with bright lights. We danced to some Diwali music, and we had lots of fun making pretty mehndi […]

FS1 Bonfire Night!

Last Tuesday, we celebrated Bonfire Night. We talked about our own experiences of fireworks and Bonfire Night, and shared our photos through class dojo. We also read the story of Hovis the hedgehog, and we talked about how the animals might feel about Bonfire Night. We then went into our woodland area and found some […]

Incy Wincy Spider in FS1!

Last week in FS1, the final rhyme they have been learning is Incy Wincy Spider! The children loved going into our woodland area and finding real spiders. Can you remember how many legs a spider has?  Everyone has worked super hard this half term, and we are so proud of you all! #WeWorkHard

Y6 Virtual Author Session!

Last week, Class 15 enjoyed a virtual author session with Sufiya Ahmed, who told the children all about writing her books. They were able to impress her with their history knowledge when she was telling us about her book, which is set in World War Two.  Amazing work, well done Y6! #WeListenToOthers

Pop’s Outdoor Adventure in Y6!

Last Friday, Class 15 had a great morning learning about Kindertransport in the woods with Pop’s Outdoor Adventure. They worked in teams to find clues and solve a puzzle.  Great work, well done Y6! #WeTakePrideInOurWork

Who Lives in the Woods with FS2

Class 3 have really enjoyed learning about the topic of ‘Who Lives in the Woods’ this half term.  They have looked and read a range of stories, including; Peter Rabbit, Owl Babies, Percy the Park Keeper, The Gruffalo, Say Hi to Hedgehogs, and Room on a Broom.  We especially enjoyed a visit from a real Hedgehog called […]

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