Y6 Rugby!

This half term, Class 15 have been practicing their rugby skills in PE. They have been absolutely brilliant, and are now becoming experts. Well done Y6! #WeTakePrideInOurWork
School Council Helps with Harvest Donations!

For our Harvest Festival, Monkwood’s School Council helped sort out the food items that we have been busy collecting for Harvest, and are donating to Rawmarsh Food Bank. Great work, well done everyone! #WeTakePrideInOurWork
Y2 History

Last week in History, Year 2 explored how Conisbrough Castle has changed over time. They learnt that it was first built in wood, but then it was rebuilt in stone Well done Year 2! #WeTakePrideInOurWork
Black History Month in Y6

To celebrate Black History Month, Class 15 have been finding out about the remarkable life of Lilian Bader, who was one of the first Black women to join the British armed forces. Everyone should be very proud of the work they produced, well done Y6! #WeTakePrideInOurWork
3D Shapes in Y3!

This week, Year 3 have been making their own 3D shapes in class, using paper nets. They all worked super hard and did a fantastic job! Well done everyone. 😊 #WeWorkHard
FS1 Hedgehog Fundraiser!

FS1 have been busy baking buns and raising money for the gorgeous hedgehog lady that visited us the other day, and her amazing charity, For the Love of Hedgehogs Rescue and Rehabilitation, Rotherham. We have raised £79 for her with the sales of our buns! Thank you so much for your continued support, well done […]
Linda Lang Art in Y2!

This week, Year 2 started their final masterpieces! They have been studying the artist Linda Lang, and have explored using different tones and tints in their paintings. Amazing work, well done Y2! #WeTakePrideInOurWork
Five Currant Buns Activities at Woodland View!

Last week at the Woodland View Centre, the children learnt the rhyme ‘Five Currant Buns’. They then had so much fun making chocolate playdough, following instructions to bake the buns, draw the buns in the coloured sand, and sing the rhyme with their friends. Well done everyone!
Y6 Time Telling in Spanish!

This week, Class 15 have been learning how to tell the time in Spanish. Everyone did such a fantastic job, and picked it up brilliantly. Muy bien! You’re absolute superstars, Y6! #WeWorkHard
Y6 Geography!

This week in Geography, Class 15 are learning about migration, and have been looking at and discussing different reasons why people migrate. They have learnt so much, and worked super hard. Well done Y6! #WeWorkHard