Following our recent Ofsted inspection, we are super proud to announce that Monkwood Primary School has been rated ‘Good’. We couldn’t have achieved this without the support of our fantastic students, their parents, our brilliant staff and Wickersley Partnership Trust.
The rating recognises the dedication of the staff to continuously improve the environment for the students to learn and grow, and that the school is committed to the Monkwood Way to do the absolute best for all the students who attend Monkwood. Our Headteacher and Leadership Team are determined and driven to ensure that all students receive the highest quality education, and this has transformed the school and the environment the children learn in.
The students ‘behave well in lessons and around school’. Bullying is rare at the school, but if it does occur it is agreed with both parents and students that it is dealt with quickly. The pastoral support is ‘a strength at this school’, the team provides ‘extensive support for any pupils with additional needs. The team also works with parents, who appreciate the support that they receive’.
Since the last inspection, Leadership has prioritised curriculum, which is ambitious and all staff receive the training they need to deliver it.
Students show positive attitudes towards their learning and teachers use rewards to encourage students to do their best and work together. The staff are proud to work at Monkwood and feel well supported by the Trust.
There is a strong focus across the school on students’ development of language and communication; staff are continuously asking questions to help develop children’s vocabulary.
Staff members have strong relationships with families, which helps the students have a good school life.
The ‘good’ rating is truly a testament to all the hard work put into the school to improve the grading from the previous inspection in 2019, and is a success for the local community too.
Kay Sherburn, Headteacher at Monkwood Primary School said, “This report reflects what we hold most dear; strong relationships which run throughout school, our ambitious curriculum, along with high quality support for all our pupils. With the support of Wickersley Partnership Trust, the whole team at Monkwood are truly proud of what has been achieved.”
Helen O’Brien, Chief Executive Officer of Wickersley Partnership Trust said, “We are incredibly proud of the journey Monkwood Primary School has been on over the last few years. The staff have worked tirelessly to give students the best possible start in life. It’s fantastic to see such positive attitudes from the students in their learning.
“Everyone should be immensely proud of the school’s achievements.”