“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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FS1 Bear Hunt!

Last Friday, FS1 went on a bear hunt through the woods. They first walked through tall, swishy grass, chanting “swishy swashy!” as the grass brushed against their legs. Next, they came to a bubbling stream, hopping from rock to rock while laughing, “splash, splash!” as they cross. Soon, they reached a muddy patch, squishing through the soft ground, calling out “squelch, squelch!” as their boots sink.

Deeper into the woods, the trees tower above, and they hear rustling nearby. The kids tiptoe closer, holding their breath – could it be the bear? They jump back in pretend fear, laughing as they run off, ending their adventure with the best bear hunt ever.  


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