“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Hobgoblin Theatre Company Visit!

Foundation had a visit from the Hobgoblin Theatre Company, and they put on a performance of the traditional tale Hansel and Gretel. The children absolutely loved it, and it was an amazing performance!

Lunchbox Activities!

Last week, our activities were based around the story ‘How Did That Get In My Lunchbox?’ We asked ourselves, what would you choose for your lunchbox? Is it healthy? We have been talking about what healthy foods we eat at home and at school and we shared some pictures in circle time. Everyone’s drawings were […]

The Runaway Pea Activities!

Our activities this week have been based around the story of The Runaway Pea. In Maths, we have been recognising numbers past five and counting out the right amount of peas to match the numeral. We did so well with this activity! In our creative area, we have been exploring paint. We used our paint […]

Y2 Musical Sound Science!

In Science, Year 2 are learning all about sound. Last week they explored a range of musical instruments and played them to see if they needed to tap, scrape, or shake the instrument to make a sound! They had so much fun and learned a lot. Well done everyone!

Oliver’s Fruit Salad in FS1

This week, FS1 have been reading Oliver’s Fruit Salad. They have been taking part in lots of fun activities related to the book! For example, they have been role playing shop keepers, and Tyler even said “My Mummy and Daddy go to Tesco for my apples.” They had lots of fun, and learnt all about […]

Farm Animal Fun!

We have had a busy first week back in Class 2! This term, our topic is ‘Do cows drink milk?’ We have enjoyed learning all about farms, and we have also taken a trip to the woods to find farm animals and crops. As well as this, in Maths we have enjoyed making our own […]

Y2 Sound Walk

Last week, Y2 went on a sound walk in Science. This involved a walk around the school grounds to see what sounds they could hear. Some of the sounds they recorded were birds tweeting, children talking and cars on the main road. Well done Year 2!

FS1 Woodland Exploration

Last week in FS1 they went outside and explored the woodland area! They used the mud kitchen and all the pots and pans that have been donated. They also collected some sticks in a variety of sizes and measured them. As well as this, they collected some leaves, using the wheelbarrow to transport them to […]

Y6 History of Migration

Year 6 have been learning about the significant times in history when different groups of people migrated to Britain. They then ordered these on a timeline, and looked at how the reasons for migration have changed over time.  Well done for all your hard work Y6!

Y5 Bikeability Training

The students from Y5 completed their Bikeability Training earlier this month, and both Mr Pedley and Mrs Edmondson couldn’t be prouder of them for so many reasons! All the students were sensible, and they followed adult instructions to keep themselves and others safe. They were fantastic ambassadors for the school and were highly praised by […]

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