The rhyme we have been learning in Foundation Stage 1 is Incy Wincy Spider🕷 We have been painting, making patterns on the spiders and using
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The rhyme we have been learning in Foundation Stage 1 is Incy Wincy Spider🕷 We have been painting, making patterns on the spiders and using
Class 1 had a great first session in the library. Every Friday we go to the library with our book bags and chose a book
For the love of Hedgehogs Visits Monkwood
This week, we had two little visitors , Wallis and Monty the hedgehogs. We found out lots of interesting facts about hedgehogs and our amazing
The children in Class 3 enjoyed using a range of natural resources to make mermaid tails in the woods. They then took their creativity back to
This week we have been reading a story called pirates love underpants. In our outside provision we used our construction area to build a pirate
Class 2 had a virtual author visit reading his book The Artist by Ed Verve. We absolutely loved it 🤩
We are so lucky to have such an amazing outside climbing area. We share, take turns and help each other along. We learn to climb, balance
Every Friday in foundation one we bring our own book bag and visit our school library. Sharing books with our adults is so exciting but
In Class 2 this week we have been looking at the famous artist Georgia O’Keeffe and her beautiful large scale painting of flowers. We used
This week we have been reading a story called ‘Yucky Worms’. We have been making our own wormery. We used angel delight for the soil,
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This week, Class 1 have been learning about the story Handa’s Surprise by Eileen Browne, and exploring the different animals featured in the book. They’ve
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