During Science this week, the children have been investigating friction. The children investigated friction by choosing a range of different surfaces to push a toy
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During Science this week, the children have been investigating friction. The children investigated friction by choosing a range of different surfaces to push a toy
During Computing this week, Class 13 have been further developing their knowledge and understanding of databases. 💻🔍 The children have created their own electronic database
During Science last week, Class 13 were investigating gravity. The children further developed their knowledge and understanding of gravity by identifying the difference between mass
Class 13 Outdoor Learning – The Industrial Revolution
Just before the school holiday, Class 13 worked with Pop’s Outdoor Education to learn a little more about the working conditions children would have experienced
This week in Science, the children have been learning about a healthy and balanced diet and how this can be achieved. 🍎🍴 They were able
Class 13 Expand their Geography Knowledge 🌏
In their Geography lesson last week, Class 13 were learning how to use four and six figure grid references to help locate places on a
Class 13 Cranworth Climbing Challenge
Last week, Class 13 took part in an indoor climbing experience with staff from WPT. The children were outstanding from start to finish and they
In Science, the children have been learning about how to separate mixtures. The children were fantastic scientists as they carefully investigated how to separate mixtures
In Maths, the children have been learning about money matters. The children have been learning all about budgeting- this included what a budget is and
During Geography, we have been learning about the economies of Morocco, Nigeria and Tanzania. We were able to discuss what an economy is, what economic
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